This is The Ultimate Niche

Alec Wilson
January 23, 2023
min read

 Howdy, I am writing this from a cozy coffee shop on a cloudy Arizona afternoon. It's cold and I definitely should've opted for a hot latte instead – oh well. Onto the goodies.

Riches are in the niches, we've all heard that. It's boring but it is so very true. But here's the kicker, it's hard to choose a good niche. Plus, there's a paralyzing fear of choosing the wrong niche. I've been feeling that dreadful fear for years.

Then I had a breakthrough. Are you sitting down?

What if I told you that you already have a niche? in fact, I'm certain you already have a niche.

And no, it's not the niche of "you being you" because, well, that's unclear to me.

   "WHO AM I???"

– everyone at somepoint in their lives


And, hell, I am changing all the time.

(To be fair, I do believe the "me" niche is 100% a thing but it's a little heady for me to completely commit to. I digress...)

Here's my breakthrough...


My breakthrough was inspired by a clip of Steve Jobs – surprising to exactly nobody.

Your niche can be your values. And as I write this, I think your niche should be your values. Your niche, at least in the marketing guru sense, is a tool that attempts to separate you from your competition.

What if your niche was
   how you worked instead of
   who you worked to serve?

Let's paint a picture, your dishwasher stops working and you need somebody to fix it... I don't know, this is not the main point but the idea works so work with me here.

Assuming the dishwasher is fixed to an indistinguishable degree of quality, who would you choose to fix it?

   Company A: The company that only services your brand of dishwasher
   Company B: The company that can fix any dishwasher and delivers their service in a manner that just cuddles up to your expectations? For me, that would look like them using an uber-like app for communicating exactly when they'll show up, commitment to certified technicians with background checks, commitment to not making a mess, and being relatively affordable.

Company B would get my business every single time. They solved my problem AND did it in a way that was delightful for me.

Now, I do think it's worth mentioning, you could do both! but for those finding a who... find your people. Find those that value the same things you do and that's a phenomenal start.

What do you think? Email me:

Here's the clip



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